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Machine G600i: completed 1000 hours of test without measurable wear and tear

Mar 26, 2019

Recently we disassembled a machine after 1000 hours of operating time on the test stand in order to be able to extrapolate the expected maintenance-free operating time based on the wear data. Neither on the cylinder surface nor on the piston skirt measurable wear and tear could be detected. In addition, the piston rings showed no wear-related erosion and had the original installation dimensions. As expected, no increase in bearing clearance was measurable on the sufficiently dimensioned rolling bearings, and the tracks did not show signs of incipient damage. Due to the fact that it is an oil-free operation and the new alphagamma® Stirling has not had any improvement loops yet, we are proud of the outstanding result. This brings us closer to our goal of a continuous maintenance-free period of the kinematics of the machine of one year. The endurance tests are continuing without any modifications.