The Stirling engine as a multifunctional talent.

The Stirling engine as a multifunctional talent.

While our machine on the test bench had just provided more than 7 kW of electrical power as a generator set, we wanted to know how it behaved as a refrigeration machine and as a heat pump. We removed the burner assembly and had a clear view of the machine’s...
New branding – new company name

New branding – new company name

What we pursue as the dominant strategy in the development of our stirling-engines should be reflected in our public appearance: a clear objective of the properties and reduction to the essentials. These were the reasons why we decided to gradually revise our external...
Start of an exciting new year

Start of an exciting new year

First of all, we wish all business friends and visitors to our news blog a creative New Year. As alarming as the causes of the turbulence on the energy market are, they have at least set an immense thought process in motion, which focuses on the diverse possibilities...
Stirling module G70: pleasing development in performance

Stirling module G70: pleasing development in performance

After more than 1000 maintenance-free hours of operation on our test bench, we are observing amazing behavior in terms of performance and efficiency. At the beginning of the test phase, the small power pack delivered a charging capacity of 40 amperes at a voltage of...
Tesla loves power from Stirling CHP

Tesla loves power from Stirling CHP

In a few days we can celebrate six months of continuous operation of our lean gas Stirling CHP at a landfill operator. We are particularly proud of the absolutely maintenance free operation. The CHP with 6 kW electrical output power is in operation around the clock...
Stirling CHP: Long-term testing with landfill gas

Stirling CHP: Long-term testing with landfill gas

After an extensive period of preparation, which in particular also served to fulfill the official requirements, we were able to successfully put our mobile Stirling CHP (combined heat and power plant) into operation on the plant of the landfill operator Gradinger in...